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What Happens During an HVAC Installation?

HVAC installation

Having an HVAC system installed in your Bluffton, Georgia, home is a significant investment that pays off in the long run. Newer HVAC systems are more efficient and can help to keep your home comfortable year-round. Here is what you can expect during a new HVAC installation.

Needs Assessment

Before the installation, an HVAC specialist will meet you at your home to take measurements and discuss your needs and wants in an HVAC system. At this time, the specialist will talk to you about energy-efficient systems. You will look at Energy Star ratings, which are the efficiency standards defined by the Environmental Protection Agency, to help you choose a system. Having a more efficient HVAC system will help you save money and protect your new investment. At this time, the HVAC specialist may also talk to you about indoor air quality services and recommend other products, such as air purifiers, to help keep your home allergen-free.

Size Your System

During the assessment, the HVAC specialist will take measurements to help find the right size system for your home. Having too small of a system will overwork the system and make room temperatures uneven; on the other hand, having too big of a system will not only be inefficient, but it may also decrease the life span of the system. Using load calculations, the HVAC specialist will determine the right size HVAC unit for your home. The right size system will be energy-efficient and help to keep your home comfortable for you and your family.

Preparation for Installation

When the HVAC team arrives, they will look for the right path to get the system and equipment from their trucks to your home. During this time, they may have you help them clear paths and make sure the system and equipment will fit through doorways or even windows, whichever makes the most sense. The HVAC installation team will also make sure to cover any walkways and other areas that could catch debris from the installation.

Removal of Old Equipment, If Any

If you are replacing an old system, the HVAC installation team will also remove the old equipment and dispose of it for you. They will also check any refrigerant lines and ductwork to make sure they can still use those. If not, they will install anything that is required for you to have healthier air from your new HVAC system.

Installation of Your New System

Once everything is in place and pathways are cleared, it’s time to install your system. The team will bring all the equipment to the site and begin the installation. The group tries to make sure to disturb you as little as possible until everything is ready to be tested. Once the system has been installed, the team will perform several tests on your new system.

Make Sure Everything Is Running Smoothly

When the system has been installed, the team will test your system to make sure it is working correctly and performing well. The team will start up the system and do a few monitoring tests using HVAC testing equipment. The equipment monitors any gases, combustion, and overall airflow. If a system is installed incorrectly, it could reduce the performance of your HVAC system by 30%, so they will want to make sure the system passes all the tests. They will then go over the operation of your new system to make sure you are comfortable with using it. They may also discuss regular maintenance plans, which can help increase the life span of your HVAC system.


After the installation, a customer service rep or your HVAC specialist will give you a call to make sure you are happy with your new system and that everything is running fine. They may discuss with you what you thought about the service or ask for a review.

The HVAC system installation can be an exciting time. With the right HVAC specialists, you will get a quality HVAC system that will be energy-efficient and last past its expected life span. When you’re ready to have a needs assessment, call our friendly team at McDevitt Air at 877-692-9402.

Image provided by Bigstock

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