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3 Problems Caused by Bad Air Quality in Rincon, GA

poor air quality in woman's home

When the subject of indoor comfort comes up, most people think of temperature control before they think of indoor air quality (IAQ). Nevertheless, IAQ is something that affects all residents of Rincon, GA. Here are three major problems you could face if you have bad air quality in your home.

1. Health Problems

The most important negative consequence of poor IAQ is that your health will suffer as a result. When the air in your home is full of dust, dirt, bacteria, viruses, pollen, dust mites and other undesirable things, your lungs will bear the brunt of the damage. You may develop colds, start having bouts of coughing and sneezing, have trouble breathing and develop more serious respiratory diseases.

But respiratory health is not the only thing that can decline under these conditions. If your IAQ is poor because of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as paint, aerosol sprays and disinfectants, you may develop headaches, nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds and other symptoms. It’s also common for low IAQ to adversely affect sleep quality.

2. HVAC Problems

Since HVAC systems’ functioning depends crucially on smooth airflow, your HVAC system can also suffer if your IAQ is low. Large concentrations of dust and dirt, for example, will eventually clog up your HVAC system’s filters, make your ducts dirty and keep air from circulating through the system as it should. As a result, the system’s ability to both heat and cool your home will decline.

3. Higher Utility Bills

One significant and likely result of the HVAC function decline just mentioned is that your utility bills will rise. If poor airflow or other issues prevent your system from effectively treating the air, the system may use more energy in an effort to force the desired result. Unless you want to pay a lot for utilities, take care of your IAQ and remember to schedule HVAC maintenance regularly.

Bad IAQ is a serious problem that you can’t afford to ignore, as it has multidimensional consequences. For help sorting things out, call McDevitt Air to ask about our indoor air quality services for residents in and around Rincon, GA.

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