3 Reasons to Properly Size Your Air Conditioner

Outdoor AC

Due to a number of reasons, many homeowners in Savannah, Georgia, encounter issues with their HVAC systems. If you want to reduce maintenance and repair costs for your air conditioner, it’s important that you determine the size you need for your home before making a purchase. Here are three reasons that upgrading to an appropriately sized air conditioner will make you more comfortable and reduce both cost and the need for repairs.

Boost Home Comfort

Not only do air conditioners cool the air in your home, but they also remove moisture from the air, which is essential for comfort. When you turn on the air conditioner, it starts cooling the air immediately. However, the air conditioner needs to run for some time before it can remove the moisture from the air.

If your home has an oversized air conditioner, it may not run long enough during each cycle to dehumidify the air because it cools the air within the home quickly before it can start removing the moisture. Therefore, it’s vital that you properly size your air conditioner so that you get cool, dry air with each cycle.

Reduce Wear and Tear

Another reason you should buy an appropriately sized air conditioner is to reduce wear and tear on the unit. Excessive cycling on and off will shorten its life. Oversized air conditioners tend to start up and shut down often because they only need to run for a brief period to cool the home. Over time, the excess number of start-ups and shut-downs can be hard on the unit.

Save Money

Finally, you should properly size your air conditioner to save money. Larger air conditioning units cost more money, so you don’t want to spend extra to buy a larger one than you need. An appropriate size will also save you some money on your utility bills because it’s running at peak efficiency.

A properly sized air conditioner will boost home comfort, reduce wear and tear, and save you money. For more information about properly sizing an air conditioning unit, don’t hesitate to call McDevitt Air at 877-692-9402 to talk to one of our skilled HVAC technicians.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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