5 HVAC Noises You Should Watch Out For

Noises You Should Watch Out

No matter how old your HVAC unit, it can develop problems requiring professional attention. Many of our clients in Tybee Island, Georgia, first notice an issue when their system starts to make unusual sounds. Being mindful of these common HVAC noises can help you prevent major breakdowns before they require expensive repairs.


Electrical components naturally make clicking sounds when you start the system up or shut it down, but constant clicking noises indicate issues. Not only could an electrical component be on the fritz, but clicking can also be a sign of a failing thermostat or a defective control. Whatever the case, it’s best to call a technician to inspect the unit for more serious issues.


Air conditioners tend to rattle when they begin to deteriorate or when a part comes loose. Debris like leaves and twigs can also get trapped in the system, causing a similar noise. Other culprits could be the air conditioner fan, the electrical contractor, or clogged coils. If you hear rattling, change your indoor air filter and have the condenser coil cleaned to see if the problem goes away.


Your exterior AC unit can make a buzzing noise for a variety of reasons. These include loose parts, a dirty condenser coil, a clogged air filter, a loose fan motor, or a blower imbalance. Refrigerant leaks can also cause an air conditioner to freeze up, creating a buzzing sound.


One of the more disturbing noises homeowners encounter is banging, which is a sure sign of a broken or loose part inside the compressor. Banging can mean you need a compressor replacement.

Screeching or Squealing

Squealing sounds generally indicate motor bearing problems or a bad belt. Belts are an inexpensive repair, but you should have them replaced before they break; otherwise, the blower won’t turn.

Whenever you hear an unusual HVAC sound, don’t hesitate. Call McDevitt Air at 877-692-9402 to schedule an appointment. Our expert technicians will identify the problem and offer money-saving solutions.

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