Easy Ways to Improve Your Home Air Conditioner’s Efficiency

Improve Your Home Air Conditioner

If you’re a resident of Savannah, GA, you know how long and hot the summers are. Staying comfortable requires a well-functioning air conditioner. To keep your air conditioner running effectively, here are few simple tips to improve efficiency.

Check the Ducts

If dust or debris accumulates in the ducts, it impairs airflow. To avoid this, run a vacuum cleaner over the registers regularly. If there are gaps or tears in the ductwork, air will leak and reduce the air conditioner’s efficiency. You can repair this with a duct-sealant tape or call an air conditioner technician to seal and insulate the ductwork for optimal efficiency.

Change the Air Filter

It is worthwhile to check the air filter every two to three months. Dust and dirt that builds up on the air filter blocks airflow, making it less efficient. If the air filter looks clogged, replace it. In addition, keep air vents dust-free to ensure air flows smoothly.

Draw Blinds and Drapes

A simple way to reduce heat in the house is to keep window blinds and drapes closed. Heat build-up from the sun streaming in increases the home’s temperature. By drawing curtains and blinds, you can keep the house cooler, and your air conditioner won’t have to work so hard.

Service Your Unit

The key to a well-functioning air conditioning unit is regular maintenance. Seasonal inspections and annual service will keep it in tip-top condition and ensure the unit’s longevity. At McDevitt Air, we offer affordable maintenance agreements to help you stick to a service schedule.

If your HVAC system is 15 to 20 years old, it may be time to replace your old unit with a new, more efficient system. Call McDevitt Air on 877-692-9402 to install a new HVAC system.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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