Are the Fall Leaves Making It Harder to Breathe?

Making It Harder to Breathe

Vibrantly colored fall leaves may look charming, but they’re a major culprit when it comes to allergy irritation. Those leaf piles offer a welcoming spot for all manner of allergens to settle, from ragweed pollen to outdoor molds. Kick through them and you’ll carry these irritants around on your shoes and clothes. Keep the hazards of fall leaves out of your Hinesville, Georgia, home with these tips.

Keep Outerwear at the Door

Stop guests and family members alike and have them leave shoes and jackets at the door. Otherwise, these will track many fall allergens in and spread them through the house. Leaving outerwear in a confined area will help limit much of the problem. Clean up your entryway regularly, vacuuming or mopping the floor and cleaning rugs and jackets to minimize irritants.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system filters the air that circulates through your home, but it can’t do its job properly if it isn’t getting the care and attention it needs. Schedule an annual maintenance visit for your heating system in autumn before the chill of winter sets in. Your HVAC tech will thoroughly clean the system, removing any buildup of dust and other allergens. Change your HVAC filters at least every three months, and dispose of the old ones to remove accumulated pollen and other irritants from the home.

Keep Windows Closed

It’s tempting to open your windows to let in that cool fall breeze, but it’s actually better for your allergies if you keep windows closed. Pollen can blow right in through your window screens. Leave your air conditioner or heater on instead so air is circulating regularly through your filter, to keep you protected from anything floating about in the air outside.

If want to boost the air cleaning capabilities of your HVAC system, you can go a step above the standard filter and install a whole-home air cleaner or air purifier for better indoor air quality. McDevitt Air can help you choose the best system for your home. Give us a call at 877-692-9402.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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