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Heat Pump vs. Furnace – What’s the Difference in Savannah, GA?

heat pump keeping owner warm

If you are a homeowner in Savannah, GA, you need the ideal machine to meet your heating needs. A heat pump or furnace should give you the utmost comfort during chilly seasons. Here are the primary differences between a heat pump and a furnace.

How They Work

For starters, a heat pump works by moving heat in and out of your home. During the fall, the machine transfers warm air to your indoor space for comfort. The heat pump can be a split-system or conventional with outdoor and indoor components.

On the flip side, a furnace generates heat by burning oil or gas as a fuel source. It then forces the warm air into your home through ducts in the unit.


When it comes to noise, both produce some sound as the air handler or motor pushes heated air through the ductwork. If you hear screeching, grinding and rattling from either of the two systems, it’s an indication that they require professional repair.

Space Requirements

We install the whole furnace inside your home. A heat pump has an indoor air handler and an outdoor condenser. A furnace will typically need to be further away from any walls, so its footprint is larger.

Ideal Climates

Furnaces do well in cold climates since they only generate heat. Heat pumps can work in cold and warm climates. They provide AC in the summer and warm air in the winter. If temperatures reach close to freezing, most systems have a heat strip that provides the heat that is needed to keep your home warm.


A heat pump lasts for 10 to 15 years since it provides both cooling and heating services. A furnace is durable, and it can serve you for 20 to 30 years because you will use it only during the cold-weather months.

Contact us today at McDevitt Air for heating installation. We will help you select the machine that suits your heating needs.

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