How Infinity® Air Purifier and UV Lights Make Your Indoor Air Healthier

poor indoor air quality

Are you concerned about the quality of the air in your home or business? Poor ventilation, leaks in the building envelope, too much humidity, pet dander, mold, pollen and chemicals released by building materials and household cleaning supplies contribute to the problem. People suffering from allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems may suffer adverse health effects from poor indoor air.

Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning contractor can help. The trained technicians of McDevitt Air of Savannah, Georgia, can evaluate the quality of your indoor air and recommend ways to improve it. We offer tips to reduce indoor pollutants and recommend products that remove viruses, bacteria, particulates and gases.

Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality

The Environmental Protection Agency defines three ways to improve the quality of indoor air: increase ventilation, remove sources of pollution and use air cleaners.

Improving ventilation dilutes pollutants and brings in fresh outdoor air. Running fans in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms removes humidity and stale air. In hot, humid climates like Savannah’s, it may not be practical to open windows and doors during much of the year. Instead, ask your HVAC contractor about whole-home ventilation systems that work with your air conditioning system.

Controlling sources of pollution includes adjusting burners on gas appliances and using craft products, paints and cleaning supplies in well-ventilated areas. Keep surfaces and air conditioning filters clean to reduce buildup of pollen, mold and dust.

How Air Cleaners Purify Air

There are several types of air cleaners, including:

  • Portable air cleaners that can be moved from room to room.
  • Ultraviolet lights fitted inside ductwork close to the coils in your HVAC unit.
  • High-quality filters that remove airborne particulates and pathogens.

UV lights damage the DNA of pathogens exposed to the light. They also keep the evaporator coil and drain pan clean, places where mold and bacteria often grow.

Carrier’s Infinity air purifier features a MERV 15 filter that removes particulate matter and pathogens. MERV is an efficiency standard ranging from 1 to 16. The higher the MERV number, the greater the efficiency.

McDevitt Air is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, a designation requiring that we meet high standards of customer service and technological excellence. Our technicians receive extensive training on Carrier’s state-of-the-art products to ensure technical mastery. We offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee on our work.

Call today for more information about maintaining good indoor air quality in your home or business. We serve the greater Savannah area.

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