Investing in Your Indoor Air Quality Can Save You Money

IAQ Can Save You Money

You already know that an efficient HVAC system can lower your household energy consumption and save you money. But did you know that improving your Pooler, Georgia, home’s indoor air quality can enhance those effects? From air purifiers to UV lamps to dehumidifiers, find out how investing in your indoor air quality can save you energy and money.

Air Purifiers Reduce Indoor Pollutants

Your HVAC system relies on an air filter to keep out the dust and debris that could clog up the air conditioner and slow your cooling system to a crawl. There’s no need to stop at a mere air filter, though. At McDevitt Air, we also recommend investing in a whole-home system like the Infinity Air Purifier GAPA, which captures up to 95 percent of the particles in your home’s air supply. Since it works seamlessly with your HVAC system, it doesn’t use much energy. Because it traps airborne pollutants, it can even make your cooling system more efficient.

UV Lamps Eliminate Mold

Even if you strive to keep mold out of the basement, bathroom, laundry room, and other moist areas where mold tends to grow, it can thrive in and around your air conditioner. Once mold starts to grow there, your cooling system can disperse the spores throughout your home, which can lead to expensive contamination issues. To eliminate mold from your HVAC system, our team recommends an ultraviolet (UV) lamp. This device zaps mold around the indoor air conditioning unit and stops mold in its tracks.

Dehumidifiers Keep Moisture Under Control

Excessive indoor moisture can cause your HVAC system to lose efficiency, damage your furniture, and cause mold to thrive. With an energy-efficient Performance Whole-Home Dehumidifier DEHXX, however, you can get moisture under control, fixing an overworked air conditioner, or dealing with a mold problem.

With these smart indoor air quality solutions, you can improve your family’s health while saving money at the same time. Call McDevitt Air at 877-692-9402 to learn more about whole-home air quality solutions.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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