Is My Heat Pump Leaking Refrigerant in Pooler, GA?

Heat pump located in the back yard

Heat pumps use refrigerant to transfer heat in and out of your home. If the system’s refrigerant leaks, it will reflect in low heating or cooling efficiencies and other symptoms. Below, we’ll discuss some common indicators of refrigerant leaks in a heat pump to look out for in Pooler, GA.

Hissing or Gurgling Sound

If your heat pump starts producing a hissing or gurgling noise, you can almost guarantee its refrigerant line leaks. As the refrigerant leaks out of the system, air gets in the refrigerant line to fill the empty spaces. This results in the formation of air bubbles in the line, which produces the noises.

Ice Formation on the Evaporator Coil

Another way to tell if your heat pump leaks is if you see ice on the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil is responsible for absorbing heat inside your home, and it needs enough refrigerant to absorb as much heat as possible in a cycle.

If the refrigerant line leaks, the evaporator coil won’t get enough refrigerant to absorb enough heat. As a result, the moisture forming on its surface will not evaporate. Instead, it will freeze.

System Short Cycling

If your heat pump starts cycling more than usual, it will likely be low on refrigerant. Short cycling in heat pumps happens when the system efficiency drops, causing it to shut off before finishing a complete cycle.

During normal operation, refrigerant doesn’t get consumed. Depending on the system’s mode, it only changes from gas to liquid and back to gas, which happens in a closed loop. So, if your refrigerant level drops, it’s through a leak.

Short cycling can happen for other reasons, like clogged air filters or a faulty solenoid. So, once your system starts to short cycle, schedule maintenance service to inspect it.

Refrigerant leaks can lead to heat pump breakdown if not addressed. Our NATE-certified technicians are waiting to restore your system and keep you comfortable at home this summer. If you see any of the above signs, contact McDevitt Air today for heat pump repair services in Pooler, GA.

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