How to Lower Your Energy Consumption This Winter

Lower Your Energy Consumption

When you live in Garden City, Georgia, winter is prime time for decreasing your household energy usage. From programming the thermostat to scheduling HVAC maintenance, discover four ways to lower your energy consumption this winter.

Program the Thermostat

To get your family’s energy usage under control this winter, the McDevitt Air team recommends starting with the easiest task. When you switch your HVAC system over to heat mode, take a few minutes to set the thermostat, too. With a smart model like the Infinity Remote Access Touch Control, you can program an energy-efficient temperature of 68 degrees for your home. Dial back the temperature by 10 degrees overnight, and you’ll save up to 10 percent on your energy bill.

Seal Your Home

Next, set aside an hour or two to locate air leaks around windows and doors. When the temperature falls outside, this is where heat tends to escape and chilly drafts are likely to sneak into your home. If you have weatherstripping material and caulk on hand, it will only take a few minutes to seal your home against the elements and save energy all season long.

Cover the Windows

Don’t stop at sealing up window and door frames. Covering windows appropriately can also go a long way toward keeping those cold drafts outside where they belong. Replace blinds or thin curtains with heavier drapes that cover the entire window. Look for drapes that offer insulating properties to reduce heat leakage even more, and be sure to close all window coverings when the sun goes down.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

To make sure your heating system runs as efficiently as possible throughout the winter, scheduling HVAC maintenance is essential. When you call our team for a tuneup, you can rest assured that we’ll calibrate your system, change the air filter, and identify repair needs to ensure that your furnace or heat pump uses as little energy as possible this winter.

Whether you need to schedule an HVAC tuneup or you need a hand programming your thermostat, we’re at your service. Call the experienced technicians at McDevitt Air today: 877-692-9402.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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