Indoor air quality, IAQ, concerns the air purity inside your home. Pollutants — such as bacteria, mold spores, and chemicals — can worsen asthma and allergy symptoms, plus cause respiratory symptoms in otherwise healthy people. Spider plants, Boston ferns, and English ivy offer simple ways to purify the air in your Bluffton, South Carolina, home. Read on to learn more about some of the best air-purifying plants for enhanced indoor air quality.
Spider Plants
If you don’t have a knack for growing houseplants, you won’t have to worry about accidentally killing a spider plant. This hardy option requires little maintenance but offers protection against carbon monoxide and other pollutants. However, make sure you have a well-maintained carbon monoxide detector in your home.
Boston Fern
Certain types of glues, such as those used in furniture manufacturing and cabinetry, can release formaldehyde. Boston ferns prove particularly useful for removing formaldehyde fumes from the home, improving IAQ while neutralizing offensive odors. Boston ferns need plenty of sunlight and water, so place the fern near a window and make sure you water the plant often.
English Ivy
If you have a dog or cat living inside your home, consider hanging a few pots of English ivy throughout your house. This plant removes airborne fecal matter and mold spores from the air. Naturally, you’ll want to keep this plant off the ground and up high so that animals or children can’t eat the leaves, which are toxic.
Other Ways to Enhance IAQ
Plants aren’t your only defense against poor IAQ. Our customers often benefit from whole-home air cleaners, such as the Infinity Air Purifier GAPA, which traps up to 95 percent of pathogens and uses electrical charges to neutralize harmful particles. UV lamps also prove helpful in the fight against indoor air pollutants when we install them on your HVAC system’s indoor coil.
Combining houseplants with air-purifying HVAC components can make your house safer and more comfortable. If you’re concerned about your home’s IAQ, we’re happy to help find a solution that works for your family. Call McDevitt Air at 877-692-9402 to discuss our indoor air quality services.
Image via Flickr by Richard Elzey