You will save money and increase your comfort with a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature of your Savannah, Georgia, home. Set your programmable thermostat to lower the temperature in winter when you’re usually at work or asleep. In summer, set it to raise the temperature in your home instead. You can save with a programmable thermostat by choosing the best model for your home, using the features, and sticking with your temperature schedule.
Choosing the Best Thermostat for Your Home
Choose a programmable thermostat that’s compatible with your HVAC system and your weekly schedule. If you have efficient features like zoning or a variable-speed motor, the model you pick must be able to control them. You can program some units with a different schedule for each day of the week, and others use different schedules for weekdays and weekends. The least expensive models use the same schedule for every day of the week, saving less energy than other programmable thermostats.
Using Features
After finding the right programmable thermostat, you’ll save even more by using all of the available features. Many programmable thermostats monitor humidity and energy usage and change their settings with the seasons. Many units are controlled from a computer or smartphone. Others have a keyboard lock to keep kids or guests from changing settings.
Sticking With Your Schedule
When people wake up or come home to a house that’s too hot or too cold, they often override the temperature settings on their thermostat. This wastes energy and causes uncomfortable temperature fluctuations. Instead, set your programmable thermostat to change the temperature about half an hour before you wake up or come home. Spend some time programming your thermostat now to save more energy and make your home more comfortable.
McDevitt Air is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer with more than 35 years of experience. We can help you install, maintain, and repair your programmable thermostat, along with a range of other HVAC equipment. Call us anytime at 877-692-9402 for quality service.
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