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Warm Weather is on the Way: 3 Tips for Preparing Your Home

Happy Family

Spring is here, and that means the temperature will begin to rise in your Tybee Island, Georgia, home. So how can you best prepare your home for the warm weather that is on the way? Try your hand at these three helpful tips!

Create a Bug Barrier

When the warm weather comes, so do the pests and bugs, looking for food and shelter. While some of the best ways to reduce the risk of bug infestations in your home are keeping your home clean, removing the pests’ food supply, and sealing off hiding spots, the best option is to prevent the bugs from getting into your home in the first place.

To form your bug barrier, make sure that your home is properly sealed. Check for any leaks around windows, doors, and baseboards, and make sure to seal them up with striping and caulking. Creating a barrier will not only help keep the bugs outside where they belong, but it will also help keep your conditioned air inside.

Make Sure Ceiling Fans Are Functioning Properly

A ceiling fan can help take some of the work off of your AC system by circulating the conditioned air in the room. They also provide the benefit of creating a breeze in the room which can make the air cooler as well. Don’t forget to adjust the direction of your ceiling fans so they run counterclockwise, giving you the greatest cooling power.

Schedule an Air Conditioning System Tune-Up

Since you will rely on your system to keep your home cool throughout the summer months, it is vital to make sure it is in proper working order before the season starts. During your system tune-up, your technician will clear any debris and dirt from around the system and on its components that can reduce airflow and leave your system working harder than it should to get to the correct temperature. This can lead to more frequent repairs and breakdowns.

Make sure that your AC unit is ready to tackle the spring and summer heat by contacting McDevitt Air at 877-692-9402 today to schedule your AC tune-up.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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