Watch for Unseen Airflow Issues

Unseen Airflow Issues

Airflow is crucial for steady comfort levels throughout your house. If your Richmond Hill, Georgia, home suffers from irregular airflow, you’ll find hot and cold spots. Some parts of the home may feel humid and stuffy while others leave you chilled, all in the same afternoon. Look for these troublesome culprits that may be disrupting airflow in your home.

Furniture and Home Décor Placement

You’ve probably arranged your furniture with aesthetics in mind, but proper placement should consider your comfort as well. Locate the air vents in each room of your home. If they’re on the floor, make sure there’s an open space around them for air to move outward. If you have furniture, boxes, or even drapes hanging over the vents, the air won’t be able to escape and enter the room as it should.

Air Duct Leaks

You can’t readily see the condition of your air ducts, but Energy Star reports that the average home is losing 20 to 30 percent of its air through leaks in this part of the system. If your ducts are inefficiently placed, poorly arranged, or leaky, a new duct installation could help air flow evenly and efficiently, improving heating and cooling in your living space. An upgraded installation will also help you solve potential problems with your air duct size. If your ducts are too small or too large, you won’t get the comfort you need. Make sure they’re just right.

System Maintenance

When was your last system tuneup? How is your filter looking these day? If you don’t readily know the answers to these questions, you’re probably behind on some essential maintenance tasks. You should have a professional HVAC technician tuneup your system annually. In between these visits, check your HVAC filter monthly. Change it any time it’s visibly dirty, or at least once every three months. This will prevent clogging which can slow down airflow.

Whether you’re overdue for system maintenance or you’re considering a new installation altogether, turn to the pros at McDevitt Air for your airflow issues. Call us at 877-692-9402.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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