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What Homeowners Need to Know About Sizing a Geothermal System


Geothermal heat pumps harness the Earth’s energy and temperature to heat and cool your home. The indoor air handler is identical to an air-source heat pump, while the outdoor unit consists of a loop system buried beneath the surface of the ground or submerged in a water source. Correctly sizing a geothermal system is imperative to achieve the results you deserve.

Correct Sizing Is a Must

The outdoor loop system and indoor evaporator of a geothermal system must be correctly sized to achieve maximum performance, true energy savings and long-lasting operation. A load assessment of your home should be conducted using HVAC  industry best practices. Your contractor shouldn’t simply duplicate the size of your old system for the new, nor should you be offered installation cost “options” regarding different system sizes. There’s only one correct size for each installation based on dozens of home efficiency factors.

If your contractor is inexperienced, you may end up with a system that’s oversized and over budget, or one that’s too small to keep your home comfortable. If the system is oversized based on the assumption that bigger is better, you’ll be sorry. It should be sized to match the exact load calculation of your home — no less and no more.

Working With Your Contractor

Whether you’re installing a geothermal system for new home construction or upgrading your current home’s comfort and efficiency, work closely with your contractor to ensure a quality installation designed to last decades.

Your contractor should clearly explain loop options, where applicable, such as submerging the loop system in an available pond, installing a horizontal loop system a few feet in the ground or trenching deep underground for a vertical installation where property is limited. Additionally, ask about geothermal advanced features, such as variable-speed air handlers and water heating.

To learn more about accurately sizing a geothermal system for your Savannah home, visit McDevitt Air’s geothermal services, or call 877-692-9402 for a consultation.

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