Programmable thermostats Make Energy Savings Easy

programmable thermostat

The utility bills can become quite high when you are trying to keep your home comfortable during a Georgia summer. If you would like reduce your cooling bills, one of the easiest ways to increase your energy savings is by installing a programmable thermostat. For the best results, you will need to optimize the default program to fit your schedule and preferences, using the following tips as a guideline:

Setting the Normal Temperature

This is your preferred temperature, which will be the standard setting when you are at home and awake. For the greatest energy savings, this should be set as warm as possible. Consider using ceiling fans to circulate the air and reduce the need for cooling.

Choosing an Overnight Temperature

Many people are able to sleep comfortably with the temperature raised a bit during the night. With an increase of 5 to 15 degrees for eight hours, you can save up to 15 percent on your cooling costs. If you are especially sensitive to the temperature change, delaying the warmer temperature by an hour or two may allow you to fall asleep while it is cool, and remain asleep as your home gradually warms to the new temperature. About an hour before you wake up, set the programmable thermostat to lower the temperature back to normal.

Setting a Work Temperature

When you are working or away from home for six hours or more, increasing the temperature 10 to 15 degrees will result in the greatest energy savings. To keep your home comfortable while you are there, have the programmable thermostat start raising the temperature an hour before you leave, and lowering it an hour before you come home. By adjusting this time to match how quickly your system can cool your home, the temperature changes will be nearly imperceptible.

Once you have the programmable thermostat set correctly, for the best possible energy savings, avoid using the manual override. To learn which programmable thermostats will work best with your HVAC system, contact our HVAC experts at McDevitt Air. We have served the Savannah, Pooler and Bluffton areas since 1979.

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