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McDevitt Air

zoning system

If you occupy a home with other people, you’re bound to have encountered a situation where setting the thermostat to what feels comfortable for one person doesn’t suit another. If you live alone, you may

indoor air quality

The air quality in your Georgia home is important to both your health and your comfort, especially if you have asthma or allergies. The following problems in your duct system can have a negative effect

prevent A/C theft

Because central cooling systems contain a good deal of copper, it’s wise to have a plan in place to prevent A/C theft. This will deter and possibly prevent someone from irreparably damaging your outdoor condenser


Geothermal heat pumps harness the Earth’s energy and temperature to heat and cool your home. The indoor air handler is identical to an air-source heat pump, while the outdoor unit consists of a loop system

programmable thermostat

Savannah’s hot summers can be a challenge when you’re trying to reduce cooling costs. However, there are many ways to cut your A/C bill, and they don’t have to involve sweating out the heat. Try


Carbon monoxide is known as a silent killer. Because we can’t detect it ourselves, carbon monoxide poisoning results in the accidental deaths of hundreds of Americans each year. Testing every carbon monoxide detector in your

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